
Hello flower lover

Welcome to my world of flowers, floral art and floral designing.

A Little Bit About The “Why” Of This Website

I remember what it was like “before the internet” trying to find useful information to help me explore the world of floral design.

I don’t come from a floristry background.

I didn’t have access to relatives who might also have a love of floral design.

When I first started out in this passion, I had to find a floral design group that held meetings somewhere near my home.

This wasn’t easy as I live on a farm.

So the first few years were a hard slog, trying to find inspiration, clear instructions for techniques and someone to ask when I got completely stuck with a design.

Sound familiar?

These days, with the abundance of information available to us via the internet, it might seem easier to follow a flower passion without the need for a group to which you belong and attend meetings.

How Do You Find the Right Information For You?

I think it’s actually harder these days to find information – we have internet information overload!


  1. There’s just too much information. How do you find the right information and find it quickly?
  2. Instructions via videos can be unclear. How often have you watched a video and not understood what you should do?
  3. We have no time for regular meetings. Few of us have the luxury of being able to commit to travel to and attend a meeting, even once a month.
  4. You may not want to attend meetings. Many of us learn better on our own and are happy that way.
  5. Design groups can have a single style focus. What can you do when you want to explore different areas of floral design to those of the group?
  6. Are you interested in floral art for competition or pleasure? What happens when you just want to use flowers from your garden but the group is geared for competition or vice versa?
  7. We all need paced learning and experience. It’s definitely easier to take your time to learn about floral art. That’s not always what a formal floral art or garden club group wants to do!

Of course, there are some great things about groups.

First and foremost, they provide us with friends who share our passion for floral designs.

Secondly. they make us get out and about (in all kinds of weather).

And, of course, we benefit from the knowledge and experience of others in a one to one environment.

How Can You Have The Best Of All (Floral Art) Worlds?

What can you do if you agree with any of the reasons I’ve talked (or others I haven’t mentioned) about BUT you want to learn and develop your floral design skills?

Fortunately now you can have the best of all floral art worlds.

That comes with membership here at FloralArtOnline.Com

What Do You Get For Your Membership?

Some of the content on this site is free for all to use. There is a much more extensive range of information and individual support that is available only to our online members.

Membership gives you:

  1. Regular monthly challenges where you can send an image of a design of yours and have it assessed by internationally qualified floral art judges;
  2. Individual written feedback from international judges on your design submissions
  3. Popular choice competitions where the online members vote for their favourite designs;
  4. Regular webinars with internationally acclaimed floral designers (the ones you might pay $300+ to see in a room with 150 other people!);
  5. Access to unique images of all designs from world class competitions such as the World Association of Floral Artists World Shows, Singapore Garden Festival, Canada Blooms etc;
  6. Regular webinars with international floral art judges to talk about floral art from basic designs to emerging trends;
  7. Help with preparation for floral art competitions at any level;
  8. An opportunity to ask the questions that are important to you
  9. Weekly design examples with a full breakdown of how to create them with judges comments when they are part of an external competition
  10. New techniques every month with step by step instructions and images/video so you can learn the technique the best way for you
  11. Exclusive videos of real life design preparation for upcoming international competitions with judging comments following the competition

All this in the privacy and comfort of wherever you access the internet.

Why Should You Join An Online Floral Art Group?

It doesn’t matter where you live, it doesn’t matter what time of day (or night) you want to pursue your floral design passion, it doesn’t matter whether you use plant material from your garden, from the supermarket or from a flower supplier.

All our online members get immediate access to trends, techniques and news from the floral art world without having to spend time searching through a multitude of websites and videos.

These are just some of our online member benefits:

  1. New designs every month with a full breakdown of how to create them;
  2. New techniques every month with step by step instructions so you can use the technique;
  3. Regular challenges where you can send an image of a design of yours and have it assessed by internationally qualified floral art judges;
  4. Full written judging feedback on your individual designs submitted for our online challenges;
  5. Regular webinars with internationally acclaimed floral designers;
  6. Access to unique images of all designs from world class competitions;
  7. Regular webinars with international floral art judges to talk about floral art from basic designs to emerging trends;
  8. Help with preparation for floral art competitions at any level;
  9. An opportunity to ask the questions that are important to you.

What are the Membership Options?

There are three levels of membership – Casual, Enthusiast and Focus

Casual Membership $97 per year

Casual membership provides access to all the member content at any time of the day or night from anywhere in the world (where you have internet access!)

You are eligible for one (1) entry per quarter (4 per year) in our member design competitions. That equates to around $8.00 a month for individually assessed designs with practical feedback. Plus all the other benefits listed above. Where else in the floral art world could you match that value ?

Click here to start your floral art and design journey today

Enthusiast Membership $197 per year

Enthusiast membership gives you access to all the member content as well as individual help with competition designs in the planning stages.

It’s your very own personal floral art coach helping you so you can bring your designs to life.

You are eligible for up to three (3) entries per month in our member design competitions. That equates to around $5.50 a month for three individually assessed designs (or $1.80 per design) with practical feedback. Plus all the other benefits listed above. Outstanding value for your investment in any language!

Click here to join us as an Enthusiast Member today

Focus Membership $297 per year

Focus members can access all the member content, enjoy your personal floral art coach for important floral art occasions, get early notification of special floral art judging webinars and exclusive access to videos of live events.

You are eligible for up to five (5) entries per month in our member design competitions. That equates to less than $5.00 a month for five individually assessed designs (so less than a dollar each) with practical feedback. Plus all the other benefits listed above. This is the very best offer available anywhere to supercharge your floral art education!

Click here to supercharge your floral design activities today

What Have You Got To Lose?

Join us today and give your floral art passion a boost!

Get immediate access to:

  1. Full designs and a breakdown of their components and construction updated monthly;
  2. Techniques shown as step by step with clear images and/or video updated monthly;
  3. International judges comments sessions via webinars;
  4. Regular challenges open to all members via image submission;
  5. An “idea farm” of design class titles for those organising competitions;
  6. Periodic live Q&A sessions and webinars with internationally acclaimed floral designers;
  7. Unique images of all designs in international competitions such as the World Association of Floral Artists World Shows, Singapore Garden Festival, Canada Blooms etc

I truly look forward to sharing our passion for floral design with you


P.S. Bonus – Member’s Welcome Pack

When you join, all our new members receive a “welcome” pack – delivered to your door wherever you are in the world.

What’s in the pack?

All the things I have found to be “essential” to have on hand whenever I am designing with plant material.

Come and join us today 🙂

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