Traditional, modern, contemporary……intersecting parallel, modern mass, freeform……..pot-et-fleur, miniature, petite…..the list is endless of specific and defined design styles.
Depending on where you compete there will be definitions available (this is what the judging is based on) BUT they can be overwhelming and confusing even to those who have been floral designers for many years.
Please don’t be discouraged or turned away by this.
Take your time to understand the definitions by looking at the words as well as some examples of that style. Find the styles that you enjoy. I don’t enjoy what are generally classified as “traditional” styles like pedestals, crescents and parallels, so I don’t use those styles when creating my designs. I am much more of a modern (minimalist) design stylist and really love to use the natural form of plant material to enhance my design interpretations.
All that said, it is important to your development as a designer and competitor to be exposed to defined design styles.
This section contains some of the various defined design styles used for competition floral art.
I have made the definitions generic to encompass the various governing bodies around the world. Please always check your local definitions before entering a competition.
I will continue to add examples and definitions.
Click on the links below for a short definition of the design style and a competition example with judging feedback.