The Easiest Way To Learn More About Floral Designing Without Even Leaving Your Home

 ‘Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.’


Videos online have become a part of our lives. Where we once might have asked someone we knew how to do a particular task or even consulted an “operators manual”, these days we go to Google or YouTube.

Google is great if you learn by reading. YouTube is the answer if you are a visual learner. YouTube has the advantage of having an expert speak to you, showing you step by step what you need to do. And you can watch it as many times as you like, taking your time to learn what is being shown, stopping and starting when you get interrupted. Your online expert coach will wait patiently till you are ready.

That’s why I have created a detailed series of YouTube videos dedicated to sharing with you How To Guides, Floral Art Tips and Best Practice built on my experience, with insights from decades of floral design competition all over the world. 

There are over 50 detailed and easy to follow videos available already and this number grows weekly. The topics cover every aspect of floral art and design, preparation and competition that are organised into logical playlists to make it easy for you to learn all you need in a straightforward and ordered way.  

The playlists cover:

1. Floral Art First Steps,

2. Floral Art Competition Judging Tips, 

3. Floral Art Competition Tips, 

4. Floral Art Techniques, 

5. International Flower Shows,

6. Floral Art Online Webinar Replays

Videos and webinar replays are added regularly, so by the time you read this there may well be even more useful, easy to access resources from me for you.

Click here to go directly to my Floral Art Online YouTube Channel.

The simplest way to know when a new video is ready is to subscribe to the Floral Art Online YouTube Channel. It doesn’t cost you anything. All you need to do is click on the “Subscribe” button any time you are watching one of my videos, or indeed, when you visit the channel to see what videos are on offer that will help you on your floral art journey. 

YouTube will automatically let you know as soon as a new Floral Art video is ready to view on the Floral Art Online YouTube Channel.

Click here to go directly to my Floral Art Online YouTube Channel.

P.S. Here are three of my most popular videos to get you started at the Floral Art Online (YouTube) Channel.

Remember, there is nothing to spend for all this and no more time wasted with hours of online searching for videos with the techniques and insights you want so you can keep enjoying your floral art.

What Do I Have In My Toolbag? Part 1 – The Handy Size Bag

Easy Floral Art Technique To Make A Shape Using Paper Drinking Straws

World Flower Show Barbados 2017 – All 200+ Competition Designs

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