Miniature and Petite Designs

At the opposite end of the design spectrum to floor based designs are the miniature and petite designs. I used to think it would be easier to stage a small design rather than one of the larger sized ones……turns out I am better suited to the larger sizes. I really struggle to get the proportions in to a miniature design!

Both miniature and petite designs in competition work are strictly governed by size limitations. The size measurements generally relate to the overall design including any container.

Let’s look at Miniature designs first.

Miniature designs are generally expected to be less than 10cm (4″).  (10″). You should always check your local Show rules to ensure your design will meet the size requirements.

It’s a good idea to have a size template that you can pass over/around your design so you know you have met the sizing requirements. I use one cut from cardboard.

Click on the link titles for more detailed information and judging feedback on these competition design examples.


Miniature AbstractAbstractMiniature ContemporaryAbstract 2Miniature ContemporaryContemporary
MiniatureMiniature CollectionMiniature Aust NativeNative FloraMiniature Aust nativeNative Flora 2

Now we can look at Petite designs.

Petite designs are between 10cm (4″) and 25cm. If you are just starting out with this type of design I would recommend trying a Petite one first. It helps to scale down your thinking about plant material. Going from regular size to miniature without taking the first step through petite sizing is not an approach I would be comfortable taking.

Abstract-Petite-RivendellAbstract Petitemodern petite 2019Modern Petite 2019
Petite ModernPetite Modern 1Green-petiteShades of GreenPetite Fragile BeautyFragile Beauty
Petite Modern BasicModern 2Petite ModernModern 3petite traditionalTraditional
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