Step By Step Floral Design Techniques

Technique is what you fall back on when you run out of inspiration.

Rudolph Nureyev

How You Can Make Your Floral Designs Stand Out Even If You’ve Never Tried These Techniques Before

Do you look at images or real designs and wonder how on earth they were held together? Or how a particular effect is achieved in a floral design you admire?

Over the years, I have watched videos, read books, seen demonstrations and workshops, always thinking I’ll remember what I was making or learning.

Then what happens?

Life takes over, of course. So it might be months or even years before I think of a particular way of manipulating foliage or covering a vial and then……..try as I might I can’t find the video again or I can’t quite get the technique right.

To simplify this process for you, there is now one place you can visit, time and time again, right here. Continuously updated with new techniques or tips for the mechanics side of your designs, you will find step by step instructions and images (sometimes video as well) for a wide range of the “technical” side of floral design and flower arranging.

All you need to do is click on either the image or text below it so you can start using these techniques for your floral creations.

I test all techniques before including them here – the images/video are taken during my testing.

Using Perlite Instead Of Foam
Extending A Container For More HeightPaper Mache SpheresPaper-Doily-Table-centresPaper Doilies And Flowers
Easy floral braceletsFloral BraceletsTest Tube Table CentresTest Tube Table CentresPaper Serviette/Napkin Decoupage
banana skinsUsing Banana SkinsHula Hoop StructureUsing Hula HoopsCardboard In Floral DesignsUsing Cardboard In Floral Designs
Corn Husk FlowersCorn Husk FlowersTrees with stringTree Shapes From Skewers and StringChicken Wire ShapesChicken Wire Structures
Large Himmeli WreathUsing Drinking Straws To Make A Structure – Himmeli TechniqueWedding ArchDecorating A Wedding ArchDrying Strelitzia leavesDrying Strelitzia Leaves
Making A Mobile DesignMaking A Mobile DesignFuturisticUsing String Art For A Floral Art Structurepaper spiral structurePaper Spiral Structure
Foliage Rope
Making Foliage Rope
Wire Mesh Circle StructuresLarge Wire Mesh Circlesdesign practicePractising A Design
Stocking TechniqueUsing Up Those Old Stockings!Shapes 5Shapes with OffcutsBark ContainersBark Design Container
Extender Step 3Vial or Test Tube Extenderspaper curliquesPaper CurliquesBleaching Seaweed
Bleaching Seaweed
Water SourcesWater in Awkward PlacesAutumn Leaf ContainerDried Autumn Leaf ContainerWire Cage PreparationPreparing a Hanging Wire Cage
Palm Weaving in a designPalm Frond Weaving – Nautilus Shell StyleSpider webbing Spider WebbingBanana Leaf FoldingBanana Leaf Folding – Asian Inspired
Woodland Wire FrameWire Domesreed twistReed Weaving – Corn Dolly StyleLarge twig structuresMaking Large Twig Structures
Foliage FishFoliage FishWax ContainersMaking Wax ContainersPlant NumbersNumbers with Plant Material
Foliage ArtFoliage Artist PaletteWaterproof Foam ShapesWaterproof Foam RocksBead Balls 2Floral Bead Embellishments
Gumnut Spiders Step 4Gumnut SpidersCandelabra 3Floral Candelabraminiature-stick-structureStick Structure for Miniature Contemporary Arrangements
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