This design is a Petite which means (for this particular judging criteria) it must be less than 24cm (10″) overall. The staging is supplied to help the judges determine the correct sizing for the exhibits.
As you can see, the fragility of ocean plant material is fascinating to me so it was natural I would want to depict that in some way.
It was a challenge to use solid materials (such as the sponge) and still convey a sense of fragility. Here I have used a small slice of timber as the base with all other elements not needing a water source so they have been glued to the base. It was a design we could bring to the competition ready for staging.
The sponge forms the structure with dried brasilia, bleached seaweed and reindeer moss placed to look as though they had been washed against the sponge by the movement of the sea.
This design placed third.
Judges Comments: Conveys the message of fragility very well, however the sponge is quite dominant and not plant material so marks were deducted.