Stamobile 2022

Once again an opportunity to explore the kinetic design style of “Stamobile” where some parts of the design are fixed and other move freely. For more examples of this design style and my thoughts on their construction click here. (This is a table that shows many of the defined design styles.)

This time I started with a timber candleholder, once again found in a charity store and repurposed for floral art! Where the candle cups would normally sit, I have glued timber slices and inserted paper covered wire to extend the line of the structure as well as provide a way to have the moving parts of the design suspended.

Dried amaranthus, everlasting daisies and strips of fresh gymea lily have been used in this design. At the base there is a “flower” made from pliable autumn leaves.

Judges comments: The structure is very dominant with no repetition of the colour. This allows the top part of the design to disappear. More fresh plant material should be used.

My Review Comments: The biggest issue I have when looking at this design now (some 12 months later) is the visual balance. The base gives some definite lines that my eye wants to follow but this doesn’t happen becuase the paper covered wire “arms” dont follow the same curve and are not a dominant enough colour. I also don’t think I have used enough of the allocated space, however I don’t agree with the comment about fresh plant material. No percentage was specified in the show schedule so I feel design comments should not be given on criteria that was not stipulated.

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