Morning Tea

The class title “Morning Tea” gave me a perfect opportunity to try out a new technique I had seen used in other countries, namely layering cardboard.

Using corrugated cardboard I have glued 8 circular shaped layers to make a “cake”. At this stage I cut a wedge from the cake to be a slice of cake to be displayed as part of the morning tea scene.

To mimic chocolate sprinkles around the outside of the cake I have glued the spent flowers from a Xanthorrhoea or grass tree. These are almost black and small so they do the job well.

For icing I have covered the top with a layer of washi paper then placed a small arrangement as decoration. Strawberries are the final touch of plant material.

Staging for this was important to reinforce the story so my cup of tea also has a single flower floating in it.

(Yes they are real gloves and yes, I have worn them in the past!)

This design placed second.

Judges comments: An innovative technique used to effect in making the “cake”. The decoration is too dominant and detracts from the overall effect of the setting. Strawberries should have been repeated on the main part of the cake or flowers on the cut piece of “cake’.

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