Landscape from a Drone

This was a very “of the moment” title – “Landscape From A Drone” .

I liked the idea of a view from a drone so went with my thoughts on that for this design and in that process forgot that it should have ALL the elements of a landscape if this is mentioned in the class title…..

I have used the Collage style but rather than have it wall based, placed it flat on the bench (with a small piece of cardboard underneath so it is slightly raised from the bench surface.

The base is an oval shaped piece of wood painted black. The various plant materials – typha leaves, lentils, moss, banksia, timber slices and pistaccio shells – have been glued to the base with sections marked by three strands of jute string.
Above the base are floating “clouds” made from wire and washi paper, held above the design by toothpicks.

Judges Comments: Whilst this does give the feeling of a drone view, in floral art terms it is not a “landscape” design as there is not the full range of plant materials depicted from a landscape e.g. soil etc
The design is very flat although a good range of textures is evident. More attention to finish is needed, particularly at the edges of the base.

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