Good Idea For A Floral Design?

This is one of those designs that just didn’t work! Prepared for an online competition in late 2020, the class title was ‘Spring Burst”. What I was hoping to emulate was an abundance of plant material “bursting” from the rocks at the base.

Unfortunately I didn’t plan this well enough.

Firstly the rocks are too dominant even though they have veins of brown to repeat the coconut fibre, the white draws your eye to the base making it appear too heavy and not in balance with the rest of the design.

The structure, made from cardboard tubes covered in coconut fibre then wrapped with textured wool, is not visually strong enough for the rest of the design. Somehow they look out of place.

The plant material, whilst abundant, is too much of the same colour so there is not enough visual contrast in the design to make it exciting. I’m not unhappy with the asymmetry of the placement – this could have been enhanced with more varied colour in the plant material.

The underlying base of the top part of the structure is evident and this would lose points for both mechanics and finish.

I did not submit this for the competition.

It’s always good to look back on designs and review them with an eye to improvement 🙂

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